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Excerpts and Teasers

The Cursed Watches

            And . . . I was right.

            The assemblage the Director mentioned, was, in fact, a massive collection of runes, tarot cards, and bones, used for future readings. The only way to finish all this by the deadline was to work overtime. The idea delighted and frightened me at the same time; delighted by the extra money coming my way at the end of the month and frightened by the possibility of staying all by myself in that place.

             With a soft knock on the door, Laura came in, flashing a smile.

             “I came to say goodbye.”

             “You’re leaving?” I asked, a bit disappointed.

             “The shift is over; the museum is closed. You should go home soon as well.”

             “I’ll try, but these pieces are so meticulous that it takes me ages, and the Director wants at least half of them by Friday.”

             “He is worse than a slave driver sometimes.” She scowled, putting her hands on her hips. “Try not to exhaust yourself, though. Your health is more important than whatever His Highness might say.”

             “I’ll try.” I giggled. “I promise not to stay for more than another two hours.” But despite my promise, I didn’t realise when the time passed, and soon the grand clock in the main hall struck midnight.

            This can’t be happening! I said to myself, but as fictional as I wished it to be, it was the truth, which meant the only option left to get home was by taxi; an expense I was unwilling to make.

            I quickly checked the time on my phone. Midnight, indeed, yet not even a call or text from Jared. I bet he didn’t even notice my absence. His concern certainly warmed my heart

             There was no point in heading home now. Also, if I were to take a taxi, it would still take about thirty-forty minutes. I would be left with only a few hours to sleep and would also waste money I didn’t have.

            I made a little space on the desk, folded my scarf and put my head on it. I knew I’d wake up with back pain, but despite my uncomfortable position, I fell asleep.

            As I fell asleep, I heard, closer and closer, the ticking of a clock. In that darkness, a young woman approached me, with a pocket watch wrapped around her right arm.

            “I’ve been waiting for you for so long, and you’re finally here,” she said hopefully before she vanished.

            When I opened my eyes, I felt my soul breaking in half. These weren’t my feelings, but they were just as painful. In front of my teary eyes stood an older woman with chestnut hair tied in a loop at the back of her head, a few wrinkles here and there, and eyes filled with compassion. She seemed nice, but that didn’t make me feel any better. I could hear other people talking around me; about money, about something they sold, but it made no sense to me. I couldn’t understand what was happening. Another woman lowered to my level and tried to speak calmly, stroking my head and hair, while her eyes were full of tears.

            “I know this is difficult for you, but think about your brothers and sisters. If we hadn’t done this, they would’ve starved to death. You know mama loves you no matter what.”

            “If that were true, you wouldn’t have sold me like an animal,” a child’s voice was heard.

            It was me, but I had no control over what I said or did. I was a spectator through someone else’s eyes. Right at that moment, a firm slap hit the child’s face, throwing her to the ground, and a man—the father, I presumed—grabbed the mother by the arm and dragged her away. The woman who until then had just sat on the side and watched, came near the child who had risen in the meantime.

            “Don’t worry, you will see your family again,” she tried to encourage her. “The Earl and his family are very kind people. My name is Emma, and I will teach you everything you need to know, so you will have a good life working in this house.”

            She nodded.

            “What’s your name, child?” Emma asked.

            “L-Leah,” she answered among sighs.

            “Follow me, Leah. We need to get you cleaned up and fix your uniform, but first, you need to eat something; you’re nothing but skin and bones.”

            Leah had never seen so much food in her life, and maybe, if it were an ordinary day, she would have enjoyed the plate in front of her, but her parents had given her away from home for less money than you could take on a lamb.

            The grey dress, which served as her uniform, was a little loose, but she had never received a new dress nor had a dress that would be hers alone, without having to share it with her sisters. A ray of hope began to sprout in her soul. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all. All the other servants she met along the way, encouraged her as much as they could, though they had never seen her before, and all had nothing to say but words of praise when it came to the Earl’s family.

            “Leah, come with me,” Emma said. “The young lady wants to meet you.”

             I felt her soul shiver with fear. What if she would say something stupid? What if the young lady wouldn’t like her, and she would drive her away? She began to walk scared, with her eyes on the floor, one step behind Emma who started to educate her.

            “Remember the first and most essential rule. Never talk without being talked to first; never make direct eye contact unless requested, and you respect all orders no matter how strange they might sound. You will see in time that they are exceptional people with very peculiar interests. And one more thing; in this house, gossiping is not allowed under any circumstances.

            It wasn't long before they stopped in front of two big, white doors. After a short knock, from the other side, a crystalline voice was heard.

            “Come on in, Emma.”

            She pushed the heavy doors, and both entered the spacious room.

            “My Lady, I brought her. This is Lady Jubilee Conwell;” Emma addressed the child. “After you learn what you have to do, you will take care of her quarters and fulfil any orders you may receive from her ladyship.”

            Leah attempted something like a clumsy reverence, but then, curiosity overcame her fear, and raising her eyes slightly from the floor, Leah looked at the woman in whose hands was laying her fate. As she looked up, we were more and more enchanted by what we saw; starting from the blue dress so elaborately made, the long black hair falling in waves reaching down to her hips, white skin, and black eyes with thick eyelashes…

            “You are so beautiful,” Leah said aloud; but realising her mistake, she quickly averted her eyes, ashamed.

             She’d been there for less than five minutes and already broken a rule. Closing her eyes tightly, she waited for her punishment, but Lady Jubilee only chuckled.

            “Raise your face, child,” she said. “What is your name?”

            “Leah, My Lady,” she answered, slightly lifting her head, only to notice that the distance between the two of them was only getting smaller.

            “You are so tiny,” her eyes narrowed. “How old are you?”


            “Emma, it is your responsibility to make sure from now on Leah is fed properly. In her current state, she won’t even be able to lift a pillow.”

            “Yes, My Lady.” Emma bowed her head.

            “I know I can count on you to do what’s right. You are a strong young woman,” she said, placing a hand on the child’s chest, “and you will get even stronger with proper guidance. You and I will get along just fine.” She smiled.

            Lady Jubilee looked her deep in the eyes, but it was like she could see something beyond Leah. It was as if she could see me.

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